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FotoFinder Skin Checks
Have you noticed a change in the look of your skin?
While skin cancer is almost entirely preventable, early detection is important.
Did you know that non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common cancer in the world? It affects two out of every three Australians by the age of 70. Being sun smart along with early detection is the best protection against skin cancer.
If you have a mole that is worrying you or you’ve noticed any of the following changes, it’s important to have it checked by a doctor as soon as possible.
If you can answer “YES” to any of these questions, please contact us to make an appointment.
- Did you get sunburn as a child or adolescent?
- Are you exposed to strong sunlight or UV rays at regular intervals?
- Do you have fair skin that is sensitive to sunlight?
- Do you have a particularly large number of moles?
- Do you have large congenital nevi (birthmark mole)?
- Do you have atypical moles* or moles that have recently changed or become itchy?
- Is there a history of skin cancer in your family?
- Have you had skin cancer?
* Unusual-looking moles with irregular and ill-defined boarders with variegated colours usually of brown and tan tones.
Even if you feel you skin is healthy, we recommend seeing a doctor for a skin check at least once a year, especially if you spend time in the sun for work or leisure.
At Campaspe Family Practice, we have doctors with significant experience in the early detection and management of all types of skin cancer.
Introducing FotoFinder

Campaspe Family Practice is proud to announce its new partnership with FotoFinder, a computerised automated total body mapping system which analyses your body to see changes in existing moles and identify new lesions.
The high-tech FotoFinder imaging system, combined with a Dermoscopy skin check with one of our qualified GPs, provides a two-step comprehensive digital assessment where images are compared allowing the diagnosis of every change at the earliest possible stage. Monitoring the entire skin along with individual suspicious moles provides optimal skin care and supports the fight against skin cancer for the long-term.
With the addition of the FotoFinder imaging system, we now offer complete skincare cover from a detailed two-step skin assessment to treatment right here in one location.

FotoFinder is an automated total body mapping imaging system. It provides health professionals with a global view of your skin using high-resolution imaging supported by artificial intelligence. The advantage of the digitally-assisted FotoFinder procedure allows the mapping of all moles and lesions during regular check-ups.
The FotoFinder system takes images of your body systematically – from head to toe – within a few minutes. This creates a total body map of your moles and lesions. From this map, health professionals can identify new or changed lesions instantly with the powerful FotoFinder artificial intelligence. Every visit, new images can be compared to past sessions allowing the diagnosis of every change at the earliest possible stage.
For optimal skin care, it is important to monitor the entire skin with FotoFinder, in addition to individual moles via a Dermoscopy.
A Dermoscopy is the examination of individual suspicious moles and lesions with a handheld camera called a Dermatoscope. The Dermatoscope allows your doctor to take enlarged images of individual moles and lesions at 400x zoom. Through the enlarged images, your doctor can closely inspect the patterns and structures of suspicious moles and lesions helping to identify skin cancers at the earliest possible stage. Similar to the FotoFinder, the digital storage of your skin images enables an objective comparison of previous and current skin findings during regular skin assessments.
Some lesions are found on areas that are not usually exposed to the sun, therefore the FotoFinder and Dermoscopy skin assessment involves checking from your head to the soles of your feet. For this reason you will be required to be in your underwear during the assessment.
Please advise reception staff when booking your appointment if you have a preference for a male or female doctor, or if you would like to have a nurse as a chaperone during the examination.
You may wish to have a family member with you during the FotoFinder imaging or Dermoscopy skin check. We allow one family member to accompany you if requested. Unfortunately children are not permitted during the FotoFinder imaging or Dermoscopy skin check and we ask that another adult accompany them in our practice waiting room if they are brought to appointments.
The FotoFinder system enables us to take high-resolution computerised images of lesions to enable accurate assessment. Please note, the FotoFinder may not capture all lesions on your body and it is advisable to alert your doctor to any lesions that concern you.
Your doctor will ask if you have any concerns regarding lesions beneath your underwear and may wish to examine those areas. Please note, images are not taken of these areas during the FotoFinder assessment.
Preparation for your appointment
- Please wear plain skin or neutral coloured underwear (avoid black/blue), including bras (avoid prints/lace). Avoid wearing boxer shorts as the leg length may obscure skin. Underwear with writing on the band is acceptable.
- Please remove all watches and jewellery, including piercings.
- Please remove all make-up, fake tan and false eyelashes prior to your appointment.
- It is preferable to remove fake nails.
- Please tie long hair back off your face and neck with a hair tie and remove clips and removable hair extensions.
Patient Registration
Download the below FotoFinder Information Booklet and Patient Registration and Consent Form.
FotoFinder Information Booklet - DOWNLOAD
FotoFinder Registration and Consent Form - DOWNLOAD
Please read and complete all sections of this form prior to your appointment. Once completed, you may email the form to: or alternatively, bring the form on the day of your appointment. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment and submit the form at reception if you select to bring the form on the day. Patient Registration and Consent Forms for the FotoFinder and Dermoscopy Skin Assessment are also available at reception.
If a further appointment for removal or biopsy of a lesion is required, this will be arranged with one of our qualified GPs, visiting skin specialists or plastic surgeons.
Patient privacy is considered very important in our practice. We respect the rights of all patients, and we ensure all personal and patient health information remains private and confidential. Personal health information refers to information about your health, medical history, past and future medical care.
Campaspe Family Practice will collect information including your personal details, medical history and risk factors for skin cancer. Campaspe Family Practice uses the information you provide to manage and plan your health care in regards to skin assessment and treatment.
Information will be stored in conjunction with the Australia Privacy Act 1988 and treated as sensitive information. We operate in accordance with the Act to protect your privacy and use the information you have provided on the Patient Registration and Consent Form to manage and plan your health care in regards to skin assessment and treatment.
Information on the registration form and skin assessment reports may need to be shared with other health care providers or diagnostic facilities, some information may also be provided to Medicare and private health funds (if applicable).
We implement best practices and industry standards with respect to information security. At our practice, we take all reasonable steps to ensure data security, including but not limited to:
- physical security of hardware and software;
- web servers connected to the internet are
protected by appropriate hardware /
software firewalls; - computers are protected by antivirus
software that is installed and updated
regularly; and - servers are backed-up and checked at
frequent intervals, and are stored in a secure
We recognise that your privacy is very important to you and we are committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and in accordance with other applicable privacy laws.
Please click here to read our full Privacy Policy.
Patient Cost
You will be booked in for two consecutive appointments, the first with the FotoFinder imaging system with a qualified nurse, followed by an appointment with a doctor for a detailed Dermoscopy skin assessment and to discuss results.